Join us at city council:

Monday, February 26th at 7:30pm
101 West 10th Ave, Suite 203

If you would like to speak, come at 7:00pm to sign up!
You only have 3 minutes to speak, so come prepared!

Send an email to:

Add your name, address, and ward number to the email!

Stop the Franklin Roundabouts!  It's NOT the Right Solution!!

As the major arterial route through town and to huge events attended by thousands of people from across or out of town, the Franklin Boulevard mixed traffic volumes between I-5 to Onyx EXCEED normal standards for roundabouts because it has:

1) Heavy pedestrian or bicycle movements in conflict with high traffic volumes
2) Intersections of a major arterial and minor arterial or local roads, which can cause unacceptable delays to the major road
3) Intersections located on arterial streets within a coordinated signal network, ie, a mix of roundabouts and traffic signals, which can cause traffic congestion.

NOT Safer for All!

Anyone who regularly drives around the univerity area sees distracted students crossing with headsets and staring at cell phones.  With heavy traffic and frequent EMX buses running both directions, Franklin is not going to be safer!!  Roundabouts are not at all friendly for handicapped people, especially for visually impaired pedestrians.  And newer research says the roundabouts, especially the multi-lane ones planned, are NOT as safe for bicyclists!  Cyclists suffer the most because of blind spots, such as when a car in the inside lane of a roundabout turns right across the outside lane in order to exit.

They Are Cutting Down All the Median Trees!!

They plan to cut down all the historic trees in the median strip from I-5 to 11th Avenue for an additional EMX lane.  This was previously supposed to require a vote, but the city has come up with a reason that this is no longer required!

NOT Climate Friendly!

Cutting down large carbon storing trees is NOT climate friendly!  Roundabouts are said to reduce carbon by cars not idling at lights.  However, the Franklin plan will add pedestrian lights adjadent to roundabouts, where cars will still be stopping.  And the design will cause the need for excessive routes to access the Market of Choice shopping center due to closure of left turn at Orchard Street.  The city says traffic will need to: 1) Turn left at Villard and then left into the parking lot (across lane of oncoming traffic)  2) Make a U-turn at Villard (or at a new roundabout at 13th/Moss) and then a right at Orchard and a right into the parking lot  3) Take a left at Walnut at a new roundabout, a right on 15th, a right on Orchard, and then a left into the parking lot.  This will cause much congestion in this area!

NOT Good for Fairmount Residents or Businesses!

Additional congestion on Franklin Boulevard means additional cars bypassing it and more congestion on neighborhood residential streets which are already flooded due to continued high rise developments!  Eliminating access and parking threatens closure or moving out of businesses, such as is being considered by several.  Area residents don't want to lose their drug store, post office, or grocery store in the future!! And businesses will suffer as access or parking is eliminated.

EMX Does NOT like Roundabouts

EMX is adding another lane so that each direction has a dedicated lane, but Lane Transit says that they had no input into the decision to add roundabouts.  They like straight lines!  And they will be increasing frequency of EMX buses, but without additional buses servicing previous or new routes into neighborhoods.

Emergency Vehicles Do NOT like Roundabouts

Emergency vehicles Do NOT like roundabouts!  They are more difficult to navigate through, causing slower response times.  Imagine this during icy weather!

Join us at city council next Monday!

Monday, February 26th at 7:30pm
101 West 10th Ave, Suite 203
If you would like to speak, come at 7:00pm to sign up!
You only have 3 minutes to speak, so come prepared!
Send an email to:

Add your name, address, and ward number to the email!

Or send to the mayor and each city councilor individually:,,,,,,,,